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Seven signs of employee disengagement 1. Absenteeism Direct reports arriving later, leaving earlier, and/or taking longer lunches than usual, and higher levels of absenteeism and/or sick days is …

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The majority of the media outpourings of “news” seemingly unashamedly rate the entertainment factor of an item highly. This manifests as both the choice of items to run …

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Does honesty matter in leadership? If we are providing direction, creating an environment where our people can grow and we are being insistent on performance, does honesty matter? …

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Does a leader have to be visionary? Do they have to create a picture of the future they can communicate to their followers in a language they understand? …

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24 hour news cycle “The ACNielsen poll conducted for The Age has Julia Gillard polling at an all-time low.” “Tony Abbott has a problem with women.” “David Jones’ …

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