How do I lead the organisation through constant changes?
Leading change requires both engagement at an organisational level and enablement of individual adoption. Change Factory has change workshops and programmes for all levels of your organisation, which help create an environment for change and develop change leaders. Every person can contribute to leading change in your organisation. They will need to understand why change is important for them, how they can cope and what they can do.
Leading Change Training
Change Factory can help you prepare your entire organisation – from your frontline carers who work with your residents and care recipients every day, to your leaders who steward the organisation through challenging times – with our change training. Whether you want to lead change effectively, or ensure that your change communications are heard loud and clear, we can help.
Our hands-on training is designed to change people’s behaviour. We spend time to get to know you and your staff, to understand the challenges you face, as well as the opportunities. As a result, all of our training can be tailored to your organisation.
Working with your HR and Learning and Development Managers
For organisations with a HR or Learning and Development Manager, we can work with you to design and implement a performance management system or improve your current system.
Change Factory also runs train-the-trainer workshops to embed the knowledge for future staff training. This aids both organisational engagement and individual adoption of the change.
We use a rapid 90-day planning process, which allows your actions to be scheduled in manageable blocks of time. 90 days allows for focus and commitment, but with enough time to get the job done and for regular reviews to occur.
Benefits of training with Change Factory
- Change Factory designs training to maximise transfer of learning back into the workplace.
- We help you measure the value of performance management training in your organisation and how to determine the ROI.
- Training can be customised to suit your organisation
Change Training Workshops and Programmes
To discuss how we can help you train your team to lead change download our brochure Leading Change, or contact us today.