Change Coaching

1-on-1 change coaching

You don’t need to go through change alone. We can pair you up with a qualified, experienced consultant, to guide you through your project.

Some of the ways our clients have used our change coaching service include:

  • As a sounding board for ideas: then they have executed the actions themselves, returning to have us check their work and suggesting improvements
  • Helping to set up the framework of action items (such as inclusions for a change management strategy, or a communication strategy) then executing the actions themselves
  • Coaching and educating on topics such as stakeholder management, then assisting with executing the plan
  • Assistance with planning and developing a presentation to the Executive Team requesting budget for a change project.

Ask questions, seek advice, run ideas by them – you can choose how you use the services of your change coach.

Contact us to arrange your coaching session today.

Or check out our change training programmes to help you lead change, or build organisational change intelligence.